Piano Notes – Studio Newsletter September 2013
Studio Updates
There will be no regular lessons on Monday September 2, Labor Day. There are five Mondays in September so all Monday students will still receive 4 private lessons. Those of you needing make ups will receive lesson reminders.
Please kindly remember to pay your tuition on time – upon receiving your invoice or at your first lesson of each month. Your promptness is greatly appreciated!
Please remember to trim fingernails before coming to the lessons. Students who arrive with long fingernails will not be allowed to play on the piano – we will do Theory and Ear Training instead. Long fingernails prohibit good hand position and technique, not to mention that they scratch the key tops!
Most of you should have been given your MusicLearningCommunity.com username and password. Please take advantage of this wonderful resource for teaching Theory, Note Reading, and Musicianship. If you are stuck with a game and do not know what to do, please make sure to ask me at your next lesson.
There is still time to register for Halloween recital, Sonatina Festival, and Certificate of Merit. See August newsletter for details. Remember to pay all registration fees by check.
Student Opportunities
Inland Valley Symphony Library Recital Series
September 7, 2pm, Grace Mellman Public Library (41000 County Center Dr, Temecula, CA 92591) – We are proud to take part in this wonderful opportunity provided by the symphony and library. The recital is free and open to the public. Come and hear some wonderful young pianists from our studio!
CAPMT Solo and Ensemble Auditions
November 16, time to be confirmed after registration, audition held in Temecula, $30 – I recommend this for students who have previous audition experience. Two solo pieces plus one ensemble piece are required. Top scorers get invited to perform at state conference next year. Click here to read details. Interested students should let me know by September 7, so we can start to select and work on the required repertoire.
CAPMT Student Evaluations
March 15, 2014, $50 – This is similar to the MTAC Certificate of Merit program, but less formal and more encouraging in nature. Students also get evaluated before a judge on Technique, Repertoire, Theory, Sight Reading, and Ear Training. No previous audition experience is necessary. I recommend this for students who have not previously participated in music auditions before, but would like to work hard towards a CAPMT state structured program and goal. The registration fee includes required test music. Email me before September 30 if you want to participate in this.