Studio Yearbook 2013

I made this yearbook highlighting the many events that took place for my students and I in 2013.

I enjoyed making it, and I hope you like it, too.

Click here to see the yearbook.


Here is an article I wrote on Music Teachers Helper about how I made the yearbook:

photo.PNGI write an annual Studio Report to highlight my studio activities throughout the year, including records of student achievements, my own concerts and professional developments, and new programs/softwares/equipments I have to offer my students. The report is usually done at the end of the school year (June).

This year, I am doing something new. I am doing a Studio Yearbook – a photo book! They say a picture is worth a thousand words!

I am so pleased with the result. Here is how I did it:

1. I went back to all the monthly studio newsletters I wrote in 2013 and decided what events I want to highlight in my yearbook.
2. I searched my photo library for pictures. These include recital pictures, pictures taken at the studio, as well as cute student drawings that I receive throughout the year.
3. I got the Shutterfly Photostory App and spent an afternoon on my iPad.

Making the photo book on the iPad was so easy and FUN! Uploading pictures took no time – you can upload from your photo album or from your Facebook account. There are many templates to choose from, and you can make the pages interesting by using different combinations of layouts, number of pictures per page, text, and different color backgrounds.

20131204-052731.jpg And here is the best part – it does not have to cost anything! The App is free, and after you have made your photo book, you can email a link to view the photo book online. You can share this link with anyone you want, and they can view the book. If you want to purchase a hard copy, you can order right within the App itself or from the shared web link. The cost? Quite reasonable. $19.99 (soft cover) or $29.99 (hard cover) for a full color, 20-page, 8×8 photo book, or less if you take advantage of coupon codes that are available if you do a search online. The App is very user friendly, easy to navigate, and simply loads of fun! If you don’t have time to design everything yourself, just upload the pictures you want, and choose “Autofill Photos” – in seconds, you will have a beautifully laid out photo book highlighting your studio events for the year!

20131204-052802.jpgA couple things I have learned from doing this:

1. I should take more pictures throughout the year.
2. I should invest in a better camera so I can take better pictures.
3. I can make future year books as the year progresses – everything gets saved automatically in the App.


I will have my Studio Yearbook at our upcoming holiday recital for parents and students to view. I will also be sharing the web link so if they wish to purchase a hard copy they can. I like it so much that this will be my annual studio report from now on.

I think it’s important to keep records of what goes on in our music studio from year to year. Do you do this? I would love to hear your ideas!


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