Piano Notes – Studio Newsletter October 2011

Congratulations to Andrew Tang for winning Third Prize at the Los Angeles Young Pianist Competition on September 17! This was a fierce competition, all the competitors were of an extremely high standard. There were two rounds, round one is test piece, everyone plays the same piece, and the top five students got selected to go to round two. Andrew is 12 and competed in the 12-14 age group. His test piece was Chopin Etude Op. 25 No. 2, and his own selection was Chopin Fantasie Impromptu. Andrew started preparing for this competition in the summer, after the Guild Auditions. You can view a video of his performance here.
October Lessons
There will be no regularly scheduled lessons on Oct 29 and 31 (5th week of the month), unless you have been scheduled make up lessons (you will be notified of times). The October group class times are as follows:
Group A (7 and under): October 28, Friday 5pm
Group B (8 – 11 year olds): October 26, Wednesday 4:45pm
Group C (12 and above): October 31, Monday 4:45pm
Group classes are optional. Due to space limitation, there may not always be room for parents and siblings. Those who attend should be prepared to perform for the class.
Recital Opportunities
TVMTA Fall Recital
When: November 5
Where: Temecula United Methodist Church
Cost: $10
Registration deadline: Oct 5
MTAC Student Musicale
When: October 29
Where: Temecula Public Library
Cost: $10
Theme: Halloween (students can dress in their Halloween costumes!)
Registration deadline: Oct 5
These recitals are organized and sponsored by the local music teachers associations, and are in addition to the studio recitals. We will still hold a studio recital in December prior to the holidays. You do not need to fill out a form for the above two recitals; just email me if you would like to participate, and pay the recital fee at your next lesson (if you have not already done so). Students who are auditioning for CAPMT Piano and Ensemble Auditions in November should play in these recitals to get ready. You will have a better chance of doing well at the audition if you perform those pieces beforehand!
MTAC Sonata/Sonatina Festival
When: November 19
Where: Temecula Public Library
Cost: $15
Registration deadline: Oct 15
This is held on the same day as the CAPMT audition, which some of you are participating in. If you are interested in this, we can request to have your CAPMT audition in the morning, as the Sonata/Sonatina festival is most likely held in the afternoon. This festival is adjudicated, and top scorers will receive a trophy. Email me if you are interested.
Certificate of Merit
When: March 3, 2012
Cost: depends on level
Registration deadline: Oct 31
This is a statewide standardized testing, including technique, performance, theory, sight reading, and ear training. Although the test is not until March, due to the many components of the test, we need to start preparing early. Email me if you are interested.
Southern California Junior Bach Festival
I have joined the Riverside County Brach of MTAC, which means our students can now participate in the Southern California Junior Bach Festival, as well as other competition and recital events hosted by them. The Bach festival is scheduled on Feb 26, 2012. Again, even though it is a while away, it is important to prepare early, as only 35% of those participating will be selected to perform in the regional festival held at Chapman University. The registration fee is $20, and if you are selected to play in the regional festival, there is an additional $35 fee. Email me if you are interested.