Piano Notes – Studio Newsletter Feb 2011

Welcome to new students

The studio welcomes the following new students: Olivia, Lucas and Chris Kristianto, Charmaine, Chanel and Cheryl Tan, Fiona Harley, Andre Sardaryzadeh, Satine Harvey.


Julia Choi has been selected as a People to People Ambassador. She will travel to London and Paris this summer!

Aubrey Mitschang made it to her school’s Talent Show! She will be performing “Giant Snowflakes” by Wynn-Anne Rossi.

Temecula Valley Music Teachers Association

Student Recital: March 12, Temecula United Methodist Church
Entry fee: $10, registration deadline Feb 18

For entry form and directions to the church, click here.

February Group Class

Group A (6 and under): Saturday Feb 26, 9am
Group B (7 – 9 year olds): Wednesday Feb 23, 5:30pm
Group C (9 – 11 year olds): Wednesday Feb 16, 5:30pm
Group D (10 – 12 year olds): Saturday Feb 26, 11am
Group E (12 years and above): Saturday Feb 19, 11am


Group lessons are optional, and are offered during months where there are 4 private lessons. There is no tuition refund if you can not attend the group class.

The age division is approximate and there are overlaps, so families with multiple children can attend the group that most suits their schedule. Younger students who are intermediate levels or above can attend Group E.

Group lessons are usually 30 mins, but sometimes can go longer if scheduling allows. Students who have other appointments may leave early if necessary.

Due to space limitation, only registered students are invited to participate in the group classes. Parents and siblings please make other arrangements, or wait quietly in the courtyard or living room.

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