Piano Notes – September 2015 Studio Newsletter


Congratulations to the students that received their Royal Conservatory of Music certificates this month!

Our highest level candidate this year was Meijke Balay-Mickelson, who completed Level 9 with First Class Honors! Others included Kelly Rausch (Level 8 with First Class Honors), Jeffrey Kim (Level 7 with First Class Honors), and Ron Lycan (Level 7 with First Class Honors). I could not be more proud of their achievements!

Riverside Young Musicians Club

I am very pleased to accept the position of Advisor to this newly formed club! The founder of this club, Andrew Tang, was my former student, who has gone places! Andrew is still only a Junior at High School, but has won many international competitions and performs professionally. Andrew has invited ALL students from our studio to join his club, with a mission to spread the joy of music-making to the local community by visiting retirement homes and senior centers. This will provide many performance opportunities for our students, and I am excited to support his leadership vision!

Student of the Month – Lucas Schaefer

Lucas is a very busy boy. Besides playing the piano for which he has set high goals for himself, Lucas LOVES to read. He is reading every day enjoying book at a 4th – 5th grade level (he is only in 3rd grade).
He likes having fun too and that is why we go to Disneyland whenever time allows it. Here you see him posing in front of IronMan making silly faces.
Lucas also started Karate about two years ago and like everything else he starts he’s good at it. He is working on his next belt as we speak. He joint the black belt club.
His latest adventure is Choir. He just joint the school Choir. Lucas loves to sing and playing the piano and singing is just wonderful.
This is just a small picture of Lucas but I think it shows his determination at succeeding in whatever he sets his mind to.
Teacher Comment: Lucas is a model student. Every week I am amazed how well prepared he is for his lessons – he plays his homework assignment pieces almost note-perfect, and often up to performance speed, too! It really shows how much work he puts into his practice everyday. Another quality I have noticed about Lucas is that he is self-motivated. This is rare in young people. I can see Lucas doing very well in Piano. Keep up the great work, Lucas!

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